还记得当年服务于某间公司当行政部经理的时候,由于公司规模不大,上上下下加起来还不到三百人,大家都好像兄弟姐妹一样,于是,在为公司制定愿景与任务(Vision & Mission)时,就用上这样一个标竿口号:「One Team One Mission」,全公司的蓝领同事每天穿着满街跑,白领同事的制服没有,大家也不怎么在意,蓝领的头头主任戏谑说,只有我们在生产现场的「One Team One Mission」,你们在办公室里头的「No Team No Mission」。
多元文化社会一直是新加坡政府致力维护的,但原则是在「We are Singapore」的基础上,因此,当初的二毛子总理李光耀抛弃华人在该国所占的绝对优势,不分种族,大家一起用英语,将各自的母语贬为第二语文,都有得学,但不是共通语,各个民族无话可说,但对当时已趋成熟的华文教育是个沉重的打击。
在「We are Singapore」提出后三年,也就是1990年,另一个非常重要的国家价值观被深植入新加坡人的心里,19年后,这首当时被大事推广的国庆主题曲,伴随着稚童一路成长,成为他们视为当然、不可从生活中切割开来的价值观,这首爱国歌曲,数十年不变,一样好听,一样感动人心,介绍给大家,也许,你还可以看到首相纳吉的一丝用心,否则,抄来干嘛?
One People, One Nation, One Singapore
歌词如下: One people, one nation, one Singapore
We've built a nation with our hands The toil of people from a dozen lands Strangers when we first began, now we're Singaporean Let's reach out for Singapore, join our hands forever more
Chorus: One people, one nation, one Singapore That's the way that we will be forever more Every creed and every race, has its role and has its place One people, one nation, one Singapore
And when the time comes for the test Our vigilance will never rest We'll be united, hand in hand We'll show the world just where we stand And reach out for Singapore, join our hands forever more
Bagan should lead the global way
Twenty-nine years ago, in September 1995, the voters of Bagan saved the DAP
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Official artist website
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For you
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Hi Bloggers,
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